SummaryID Type AutoType Date Time Distance ft Speed mph Latitude Longitude Freq_X Mag_X Freq_Y Mag_Y Freq_Z Mag_Z
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The Summary Table

The Summary Table provides the search fields that are used to mine the Vibrology App Snapshots. Precede any search term value with relational operators i.e. =, >, <, <=, >=.

Further refine the search term by appending a logical operator and an additional search term.

For example, to retrieve a range of Snapshots based on the SummaryID the term entered in the SummaryID search field would be >= 123456 AND < 234567

Each snapshot includes the DFT frequency domain data along with the GPS coordinates of the snapshot. Each Snapshot contains the following pieces of data:
  1. SummaryID - A sequential number assigned to each Snapshot.

  2. Type - The value assigned by the User with the 4 button Pin Panel on the Vibrology App. The default value is 0. This feature of the Vibrology App allows the User to flag, or Pin a Snapshot for easy identification in the Vibrology Data Mine. The values 1 through 4 and are meaningful only to the User.

  3. AutoType - This is a value that Vibrology App will assign to a Snapshot by the App itself. There is only one value, 100 that will ever be assigned. The App will assign this value if the frequency domain analysis indicates a Pothole type of shock. The Speed must be greater than 2m/s in order for the App to flag the Snapshot as a Pothole.

  4. Date - The Date the Snapshot was recorded. The Date is in the format YYYY/MM/DD. Using the relational operators a search can find all Snapshots before, after or during a range of Dates.

  5. Time - The Time the Snapshot was recorded. The Time is in the format HH:MM:SS. Using the relational operators a search can find all Snapshots before, after or during a range of Times.

  6. Distance - The distance in feet that was traveled during the collection of the 1024 data samples.

  7. Speed - The speed in mph at the time of the Snapshot.

  8. Latitude & Longitude - The GPS coordinates at the time of the Snapshot.

  9. Frequency and Magnitudes - Accelerometers are devices that measure acceleration, which is the rate of change of the velocity of an object. They measure in meters per second squared (m/s2) or in G-forces (g). A single G-force for us here on planet Earth is equivalent to 9.8 m/s2.

    The Vibration App records and displays low frequency vibration data provided by the Accelerometer, a sensor embedded in the device or cell phone. The App takes 1024 samples on each of the Accelerometers 3 axis', x, y and z.

    These 1024 Samples are then analyzed using the Discrete Fourier Transform to produce a frequency domain in the range of 1hz to 255hz.

    The Frequency and Magnitude fields in the Summary Table represent the maximum magnitude of G-force applied to each of 3 axis' and the associated frequency.
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The Snapshot Pallet

Double clicking an entry in the Summary Table will generate the Frequency Domain Graph for the Snapshot.

The Frequency Domain Snapshot includes a table of each of the 255 frequencies and the G-forces applied to each. A table of the actual values is included to the right of the graph.

This table includes toggles that allow the exclusion any of the 255 frequencies. Toggling a frequency on or off will cause the Graph to automatically regenerate using only the included frequencies.

Also, the Graph has toggles that allow the exclusion of the data from any of the 3 axis'.

The Frequency Domain Snapshot also includes two buttons. One has globe on it and the other a trash can. Clicking the Globe Button will produce a marker flat on the Geo Spatial Map to the right of the Snapshot Pallet.